In his youth Tobi was a world traveller. He travelled here and there and back again. It never smelt the same anywhere, and everywhere things tasted different – this was an experience which would inspire him for the rest of his life. This was first shown when Tobi opened his own sushi restaurant called “Makoto”. “Makoto” is Japanese and means “honesty” and you will also only find really fresh quality products there. It was only the drinks on offer that weren’t able to meet Tobi’s demand for freshness. This caused the creative cook to think back to his time as a world traveller and he worked meticulously on a fresh drink which would suit sushi.
He drank and drank and drank. Then Beat came along, a food engineer. The two of them already worked successfully together on setting up the restaurant. Beat did not just give his two pennies worth – two pennies wouldn’t have been enough. Together they slurped and sipped and drank until, overjoyed, they sat in front of the final glass of T: the honest, fitting, fresh drink was created. And the restaurant visitors also began to drink and drink and drink. They drank so much and for so long that the original link to sushi was more and more forgotten and the drink became known as a real thirst-quencher. And it does this with a freshness which nobody in this country had experienced before - except for Tobi of course.